Wednesday 31 August 2016


AQUIFER  -  a body of permeable rock which can contain or transmit groundwater.
IMPERVOIR LAYER - not allowing fluid to pass through.
RESERVOIR - a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply
PUMPING STATION - Pumping stations are facilities including pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another. They are used for a variety of infrastructure
systems, such as the supply of water to canals, the drainage of low-lying land, and the removal of sewage to processing sites
PRECIPITATION - In meteorology, precipitation is any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls under gravity. The main forms of precipitation include drizzle, rain, sleet, snow, graupel and hail.

What do we use water for ?                  Lately when people pour water out of there taps it smells like chlorine
                                                                       because they're trying to help the locals at havelock north have fresh water.
We use water for :
Washing cars,
Watering plants,
Going toilet

Questions :
What's in the water ?
Why did this happen?
Why do we need chlorine in it?
Could people die from this bug?
Why did you need to put the chlorine in the hastings water?

How much water is used in one day in hastings?

Friday 5 August 2016



A poem is a way of know you are alive as shocking as walking outside on a crisp winters morning a sharp as an hawk flying as bold as my granddads head as simple as being with family listening to mum singing every minute of every day of every life.

Wednesday 3 August 2016


gravity                            friction 
Image result for friction\          


gravity pulls things down towards        friction is a force that holds back the
a mass such as the earth.                     movement of the object.

potential and kinetic

potential is an object that is still
kinetic is an object that is moving

Friday 29 July 2016

science week 1

                           nucleation site 

on Wednesday we did the coke and mentos experiment. how it works is a mentos is really rough so all the co2 gas goes strait down to the montos and starts to make too many bubbles that it start to bubble out the top of the bottle. after that we got to drink the coke it was flat and tasted minty.

Friday 10 June 2016

reflection week 6

this term i have really enjoyed my elective which is production i got into acting i have been really enjoying it. 

i have been putting a lot of effort into my writing i am writing that dangerous animals should not be killed! 

next week i need to work more in pe because i forgot my  pe gear.

i dont know what i would change   

Wednesday 4 May 2016

new technology for the term 2 - electronics

today i stared at electronics we are going to be using technology process to design and make  an emergency light that i can read  by.

Friday 11 March 2016

weekly reflectionS

                       weekly reflection                                                                          
11/3/16  week 6 

This week has gone great. I enjoyed tech classes now we are making usb holders I
 wont to make a flower for the holder the steam will be where the usb will be and the petals will be the lid. I I  have really enjoyed Math its a lot easier with subtraction because Mrs Stephenson showed me how to do a parking method. next week at tech class I wont to get all of my research do and have a plan for what I wont to do. two things I wont to change for next week will be to read more for homework.      

Friday 4 March 2016


we have been learning to write "show not tells" or "settings"
and this is my favorite

      the beach at night

I unzip the tent and crawl out. there is a  bright light from the fire that dances as the wind blows through it. I sit on my chair and hear the crashes of the waves as they reach the to shore. The whispers of the wind talks to me as it brushes past my face. I look up at the sky, the stars glisten and the moon shimmers through the trees. The beach at night is my favorite place to be.

Friday 26 February 2016

My time so far at HNI

                          My time so far at HNI  

I have enjoyed making new friends. I have also enjoyed teach classes with Mr Sutherland we are making key tags im making a tree shape its quite hard to shape It. I learnt how to write a show not tell story we have to write out that emotion there showing with out saying the emotion. this term I really want to work on my math . everythings is great nothing has gone wrong. my time so far has been GREAT.