Monday 4 September 2017

if i was the lst person on earth

If i was the last person on earth i would rob a bank, eat all the food at the supermarket and go live in somes manson i would learn how to fly and plane and fly to other countries. I would laze around all day. But i would be very lonely because there is no one to talk to. I would take all the expensive stuff and take people's cars. i would move to a house with a pool and have a money pool. I would get monkeys pandas , cats and dogs so i had people to play with. I would go to flip out and play in the foam pit. I also would steal all the iphones. Then i would find out how to make robot people. I would go to the beach most plays and swim. I would make my own tv show and stuff. I would fly to famous people's houses and steal their stuff. I would go to i would make a room for my pets and hang out with them. I would blast music so loud. I would eat chocolate.


Eyes opening slowly, breathing in the cold morning air snuggling in warm blankets brain switches on ears open the boy jumps out of bed. tippy toes to the other side of the cold dark house. The wooden floor creaks and cracks was he moves towards his mother's room he pokes his head around and into his mother's room. He see his mother fast asleep. he creeps towards to kitchen he comes to a stop. opens the skyscraping pantry his reaches for the top self but his little arms will not reach. He reaches for the bench chair. He toe hooks the chair pulls himself up he reaches for the top shelf …

His big brown eyes spot a bag of caramel chocolates he reaches for them with a gleam in his eyes he gently opens the packet of chocolate crick crack the bag sings as he reaches in for a hand full of chocolate suddenly he heard foot steps ....

He jumps down from the chair grabs the chocolate quietly ran into his room and hid under bed. The boy eats the enter bag a chocolate then comes out for breakfast but little does he know mother knows what hes been up to.